{"id":1532,"date":"2018-05-04T03:25:40","date_gmt":"2018-05-04T03:25:40","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.mcctcarbide.com\/development-of-engineering-training-simulation-system-for-n091-nc-lathe\/"},"modified":"2020-05-04T13:31:40","modified_gmt":"2020-05-04T13:31:40","slug":"development-of-engineering-training-simulation-system-for-n091-nc-lathe","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.meetyoucarbide.com\/tr\/development-of-engineering-training-simulation-system-for-n091-nc-lathe\/","title":{"rendered":"N091 NC torna tezgah\u0131 i\u00e7in m\u00fchendislik e\u011fitimi sim\u00fclasyon sisteminin geli\u015ftirilmesi"},"content":{"rendered":"
\u00d6zet: Pratik e\u011fitim ve \u00f6\u011frenmeyi ama\u00e7layan \uff0c NC torna sim\u00fclasyon sistemi VB 6 \u00fczerinde tasarlanm\u0131\u015ft\u0131r\uff0e 0. N091 NC torna tezgah\u0131 ile donat\u0131lm\u0131\u015f Fanuc-0i Mate TB NC i\u015fletim sistemini sim\u00fcle eden sistem \uff0c NC NC kodu yazma code kod hatalar\u0131n\u0131 kontrol etme impro yanl\u0131\u015f i\u015flem \u00f6zellikleri hakk\u0131nda uyar\u0131 \uff0c PC'de i\u015fleme ve i\u015fletim e\u011fitiminin sim\u00fclasyonu\uff0e E\u011fitmenler, \uff0c organik olarak learning \u00f6\u011frenme ve \u00f6\u011fretmeyi g\u00f6rsel olarak birle\u015ftiren bu NC sim\u00fclasyon sistemi arac\u0131l\u0131\u011f\u0131yla N091 NC torna tezgah\u0131n\u0131 kullanma becerisine kolayca hakim olabilirler. Tasar\u0131m \uff0c baz\u0131 temel teknolojiler ve program kodu bu incelemede tan\u0131t\u0131lm\u0131\u015ft\u0131r\uff0e Anahtar kelimeler: N091 NC torna; VB 6\uff0e 0 yaz\u0131l\u0131m; NC sim\u00fclasyonu0 Bilim ve teknolojinin ilerlemesi ile modern \u00fcretimin temel ekipman\u0131 olan PrefaceCNC tak\u0131m tezgahlar\u0131 mekanik bir imalat otomasyonu, esneklik ve entegrasyon haline gelmi\u015ftir. D\u00f6n\u00fc\u015f\u00fcm\u00fcn \u00f6nemli temeli ve temel i\u00e7eri\u011fi. Son y\u0131llarda, yerli \u00fcniversiteler \u00f6\u011frencilerin m\u00fchendislik uygulamalar\u0131 ve m\u00fchendislik bilincini e\u011fitmek i\u00e7in say\u0131sal kontrol tezgahlar\u0131 temelinde m\u00fchendislik e\u011fitimi vermek \u00fczere m\u00fchendislik e\u011fitim merkezleri kurmu\u015ftur.\u015eu anda, CNC'nin ilgili e\u011fitimi i\u00e7in gerekli teorik a\u00e7\u0131klamalara ek olarak \u0130\u015flerin \u00e7o\u011fu, ilgili i\u015flevlere sahip ger\u00e7ek sistemlerde (ger\u00e7ek NC makine aletleri veya e\u011fitim sistemleri) yap\u0131lmal\u0131d\u0131r. Say\u0131sal kontrol \u00fcr\u00fcnleri pahal\u0131d\u0131r ve fabrikan\u0131n CNC tak\u0131m tezgahlar\u0131 nispeten a\u011f\u0131rd\u0131r. \u0130\u015fleme g\u00f6revi ve daha sonra e\u011fiticinin yanl\u0131\u015f kullan\u0131m\u0131 dikkate al\u0131nd\u0131\u011f\u0131nda, tak\u0131m tezgah\u0131 ekipman\u0131n\u0131n ve hatta operat\u00f6r\u00fcn ki\u015fisel g\u00fcvenli\u011fini de tehlikeye sokabilir. Bu nedenle, b\u00fcy\u00fck \u00f6l\u00e7ekli CNC e\u011fitimi, \u00f6\u011frencilerin ger\u00e7ek tak\u0131m tezgah\u0131nda CNC tak\u0131m tezgah\u0131 m\u00fchendislik e\u011fitimini kullanmalar\u0131 i\u00e7in uygun de\u011fildir. Sanal ekipman, CNC tak\u0131m tezgah\u0131n\u0131n i\u015flev ve durum sim\u00fclasyonunu ger\u00e7ekle\u015ftirmek i\u00e7in bir \u00f6\u011fretim ta\u015f\u0131y\u0131c\u0131s\u0131 olarak kullan\u0131l\u0131r. \u00d6\u011frenciler, CNC tezgah\u0131n\u0131n programlama ve manuel \u00e7al\u0131\u015ft\u0131rma y\u00f6ntemlerini tan\u0131mak i\u00e7in masa\u00fcst\u00fc veya diz\u00fcst\u00fc bilgisayar\u0131 kullanabilirler. Say\u0131sal kontrol ekipman\u0131n\u0131n yava\u015f g\u00fcncellenmesi problemi, yaz\u0131l\u0131ma interaktif \u00f6\u011fretim fonksiyon mod\u00fclleri entegre edilerek de \u00e7\u00f6z\u00fclebilir. Spesifik uygulama s\u00fcreci ekipman, yer ve zamanla s\u0131n\u0131rl\u0131 de\u011fildir, ekonomik ve g\u00fcvenlidir ve g\u00fcncellenmi\u015f \u00f6\u011fretim kaynaklar\u0131n\u0131 zaman\u0131nda elde edebilir. Endi\u015felenmeden, ekonomik ve teknik olarak uygulanabilir ve bariz \u00f6\u011fretim etkilerine sahip bir \u00e7\u00f6z\u00fcmd\u00fcr.\u015eu anda, \u00c7in'in NC e\u011fitim alan\u0131nda, m\u00fckemmel sim\u00fclasyon yaz\u0131l\u0131m\u0131 esas olarak \u00fc\u00e7 yaz\u0131l\u0131m i\u00e7erir: Nanjing Siwo, Shanghai Yulong ve Beijing Feike. Bu \u00fc\u00e7 yaz\u0131l\u0131m t\u00fcr\u00fc, NC sistemi sim\u00fclasyonunda farkl\u0131 uzunluklara ve tiplere sahip olmas\u0131na ra\u011fmen, tak\u0131m tezgahlar\u0131n\u0131n say\u0131s\u0131 ve i\u015flevleri, sim\u00fclasyon hedefleri kabaca ayn\u0131d\u0131r. Bunlar, sanal cihazlar\u0131n i\u015flevler ve prototip makineler a\u00e7\u0131s\u0131ndan tutarl\u0131l\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131n, yani veri i\u015flemenin pe\u015finde ko\u015fmad\u0131r. Sim\u00fclasyon nesnelerinin tutarl\u0131l\u0131\u011f\u0131 temel olarak sim\u00fclasyon prototip CNC sisteminin kod \u00e7\u00f6zme ve enterpolasyon i\u015flemiyle tutarl\u0131d\u0131r. Tam olarak, prototip cihazla fonksiyonel prensibi a\u00e7\u0131s\u0131ndan benzerlik s\u00fcrd\u00fcr\u00fclmesi nedeniyle, yukar\u0131da belirtilen yaz\u0131l\u0131m\u0131n, prototip cihaz taraf\u0131ndan d\u00fczg\u00fcn bir \u015fekilde ele al\u0131namayan, ancak gramer kurallar\u0131na uysa da ciddi hatalara neden olabilecek programlama hatalar\u0131n\u0131 tan\u0131yamamas\u0131d\u0131r. ayg\u0131t hatas\u0131. Mevcut sim\u00fclasyon yaz\u0131l\u0131m\u0131n\u0131n oda\u011f\u0131, makine tak\u0131m g\u00f6vdesinin veri bilgilerine g\u00f6re do\u011fru hareket edip edemeyece\u011fi oldu\u011fundan, operat\u00f6r\u00fcn \u00e7al\u0131\u015fma kazas\u0131na neden olabilece\u011fi \u00e7al\u0131\u015fma detaylar\u0131 ve \u00e7al\u0131\u015fma al\u0131\u015fkanl\u0131klar\u0131 hakk\u0131nda sadece birka\u00e7 endi\u015fe vard\u0131r. Bunlar, ekipman ar\u0131zas\u0131n\u0131n ana nedenleridir.Bu proje N091 CNC torna tezgah\u0131n\u0131 prototip nesne olarak al\u0131r ve CNC torna tezgah\u0131n\u0131n \u00e7al\u0131\u015fma modunu ve \u00e7al\u0131\u015fma s\u00fcrecini etkin bir \u015fekilde sim\u00fcle etmek i\u00e7in bir y\u00f6ntem geli\u015ftirmek i\u00e7in VB 6.0 dilinin g\u00fc\u00e7l\u00fc aray\u00fcz tasar\u0131m i\u015flevini kullan\u0131r CNC torna par\u00e7as\u0131 i\u015fleme program\u0131n\u0131n do\u011frulu\u011funu test edin ve animasyonu ger\u00e7ek zamanl\u0131 olarak g\u00f6r\u00fcnt\u00fcleyin. Sim\u00fclasyon yaz\u0131l\u0131m\u0131. Yaz\u0131l\u0131m, ekipman\u0131n i\u015flevlerini sim\u00fcle etmenin yan\u0131 s\u0131ra, \u00f6\u011frenciler taraf\u0131ndan CNC torna m\u00fchendisli\u011fi e\u011fitiminin g\u00fcvenli\u011finde daha kolay yap\u0131lan d\u00f6rt hata t\u00fcr\u00fcne odaklanmaktad\u0131r. \u00d6\u011frencilere iyi programlama stilleri ve \u00e7al\u0131\u015fma al\u0131\u015fkanl\u0131klar\u0131 geli\u015ftirme konusunda etkili bir \u015fekilde rehberlik etmek i\u00e7in, yaz\u0131l\u0131m NC program i\u015fleme s\u00fcrecini uygun \u015fekilde tasarlayacak \u015fekilde tasarlanm\u0131\u015ft\u0131r. Rapordaki ayr\u0131nt\u0131lar, g\u00fcvenlik olaylar\u0131na neden olan \u00e7e\u015fitli gramersel olmayan hatalar\u0131 derhal rapor edebilir ve kesme parametreleri gibi i\u015flem verilerinin otomatik olarak ayarlanmas\u0131n\u0131 sa\u011flayabilir. 1 sistem genel tasar\u0131m\u0131 Bu sistem, N091 CNC torna ile donat\u0131lm\u0131\u015f Fanuc-0i Mate TB say\u0131sal kontrol sistemini kullan\u0131r ana sim\u00fclasyon nesnesi olarak. Par\u00e7a bo\u015fluklar\u0131n\u0131 ve i\u015fleme ara\u00e7lar\u0131n\u0131 tamamen ve a\u00e7\u0131k\u00e7a g\u00f6sterebilir ve NC i\u015fleme s\u00fcrecini ayr\u0131nt\u0131l\u0131 olarak sim\u00fcle eder ve \u00e7al\u0131\u015fma y\u00f6ntemi basittir. E\u011fitimli \u00f6\u011frenciler, CNC tezgahlar\u0131 olmadan CNC tak\u0131m tezgah\u0131 \u00e7al\u0131\u015fma y\u00f6ntemini uygulamak, ortak temel talimatlardan olu\u015fan CNC par\u00e7a i\u015fleme program\u0131nda hata ay\u0131klamak, dinamik par\u00e7a ger\u00e7ek zamanl\u0131 i\u015fleme s\u00fcrecini g\u00f6r\u00fcnt\u00fclemek, i\u015fleme sonucunu g\u00f6zlemlemek ve analiz etmek i\u00e7in bu yaz\u0131l\u0131m\u0131 kullanabilir ve par\u00e7a i\u015fleme program\u0131n\u0131 zaman\u0131nda ke\u015ffedebilir. Hatalar ve olas\u0131 m\u00fcdahaleler. Sistemin mod\u00fclleri, y\u00fcksek uyum ve d\u00fc\u015f\u00fck kuplaj prensibine g\u00f6re tasarlanm\u0131\u015ft\u0131r. 2 sistem anahtar\u0131 teknolojisi uygulamas\u0131 Sanal NC i\u015fleme s\u00fcrecinde, sanal makine arac\u0131 NC kodunu do\u011frudan \u00e7al\u0131\u015ft\u0131ramaz. Bu nedenle, \u00e7eviri mod\u00fcl\u00fcn\u00fcn \u00f6nce NC kodunu sanal makinenin tan\u0131yabilece\u011fi ve \u00e7al\u0131\u015ft\u0131rabilece\u011fi bir A koduna d\u00f6n\u00fc\u015ft\u00fcrmesi gerekir. Bu sim\u00fclasyon say\u0131sal kontrol sisteminin geli\u015ftirilmesindeki zorluk, say\u0131sal kontrol kodunun okunmas\u0131, kodunun \u00e7\u00f6z\u00fclmesi, hata raporlanmas\u0131 ve otomatik ayarlanmas\u0131d\u0131r. Makine fonksiyonlar\u0131n\u0131n ger\u00e7ek ya\u015fam sim\u00fclasyonuna ek olarak, sim\u00fclasyon NC sisteminin geli\u015ftirilmesinin oda\u011f\u0131, \u00f6\u011frencilerin makine \u00e7al\u0131\u015ft\u0131rma y\u00f6nteminde ustala\u015fmalar\u0131 ve iyi \u00e7al\u0131\u015fma al\u0131\u015fkanl\u0131klar\u0131 geli\u015ftirmelerini nas\u0131l te\u015fvik edece\u011fidir. 1 NC kodunun \u00f6n i\u015flemi NC kodunun \u00f6ni\u015flenmesi, program dosyas\u0131n\u0131n kaynak bellek adresinden okunmas\u0131n\u0131, NC kodunda yorum ifadeleri, bo\u015f ifadeler ve bo\u015f sat\u0131rlar gibi gereksiz sembollerin silinmesini ve k\u00fc\u00e7\u00fck harflerin b\u00fcy\u00fck harflere d\u00f6n\u00fc\u015ft\u00fcr\u00fclmesini ve her harften \u00f6nce bo\u015fluklar ekleyerek. NC sistemi okunmas\u0131n\u0131 kolayla\u015ft\u0131r\u0131n.Bu sistem kuruldu\u011funda, kullan\u0131c\u0131ya TXT format\u0131ndaki NC kod dosyas\u0131n\u0131 olu\u015ftururken bilgisayar\u0131n belirlenen klas\u00f6r\u00fcne kaydedilmesi gerekti\u011fini hat\u0131rlatacakt\u0131r. Bu \u015fekilde, operat\u00f6r \u00e7al\u0131\u015fma panelinin PROG d\u00fc\u011fmesini t\u0131klatt\u0131\u011f\u0131nda, VB program\u0131nda File1 adl\u0131 FileListBox denetiminin Path \u00f6zelli\u011fi, bu klas\u00f6rde depolanan t\u00fcm NC program dosya adlar\u0131n\u0131 do\u011frudan makine arac\u0131 ekran paneline \u00e7\u0131kar\u0131r. belirtilen klas\u00f6r. RichTextBox3'te operat\u00f6r, makine g\u00f6r\u00fcnt\u00fc panelinin program se\u00e7im penceresindeki dosya ad\u0131na g\u00f6re NC program\u0131n\u0131 se\u00e7ebilir. Harici dosyadan s\u0131ral\u0131 olarak ifadeleri okuyan Line Input deyimi VB'ye entegre edilir ve okunan i\u00e7erikler dize. N091 CNC torna tezgah\u0131ndaki FANUC-0i MATE TB sisteminde NC program\u0131, ge\u00e7erli kod giri\u015fini noktal\u0131 virg\u00fclle sonland\u0131r\u0131r ve imle\u00e7, bir sonraki kod giri\u015fi sat\u0131r\u0131n\u0131 ba\u015flatmak i\u00e7in a\u015fa\u011f\u0131 hareket eder. VB, sat\u0131r besleme bayraklar\u0131 olarak vbCrLf veya Chr (13) ve Chr (10) kullan\u0131r, bu nedenle harici olarak okuma dosyalar\u0131 sat\u0131r beslemeleri olarak sat\u0131r sonlar\u0131 kullan\u0131larak sisteme okunabilir ve sat\u0131rlar, g\u00f6sterge panelindeki bir "noktal\u0131 virg\u00fcl + yeni sat\u0131r" ile ayr\u0131labilir (RichText-Box1). \u0130lgili kod a\u015fa\u011f\u0131daki gibidir: TextLine = Split (\uff32ichTextBox1\uff0e Metin \uff0c vbCrLf) '\u6309 \u884c \u62c6\u5206 RichTextBox1\uff0e Metin = \u2033 \u2033 Sat\u0131r i\u00e7in = 0 - UBound (TextLine) RichTextBox1\uff0e SelColor = vbYellowRichTextBox1\uff0e SelText = TichTextBox1\uff0e SelText \uff06 TextLine (sat\u0131r) ve Chr (13) ve Chr (10) RichTextBox1\uff0e SelColor = vbYellowNext rowSemicolon TextLineInternal olarak VB, De\u011fi\u015ftir i\u015flevini ve Trim i\u015flevini b\u00fct\u00fcnle\u015ftirir. De\u011fi\u015ftir i\u015flevi, NC kodunun k\u00fc\u00e7\u00fck harflerden b\u00fcy\u00fck harflere de\u011fi\u015fmesini sa\u011flamak i\u00e7in ASC kodu ile d\u00f6n\u00fc\u015ft\u00fcr\u00fclebilir. K\u0131rp i\u015flevi, bir kod sat\u0131r\u0131n\u0131n ba\u015f\u0131ndaki ve sonundaki bo\u015fluklar\u0131 silebilir. Bo\u015f sat\u0131rlar\u0131 kald\u0131rmak i\u00e7in Len i\u015flevini belirlemek i\u00e7in 0 i\u015flevini kullan\u0131n; de\u011fer 0 ise, bo\u015f sat\u0131r anlam\u0131na gelir, o zaman NC kodunun Stringini Textline () saklar. Sat\u0131r numaras\u0131 de\u011fi\u015fkeni MoveRow taraf\u0131ndan, sonraki sat\u0131r Textline (MoveRow + 1) ile Textline (MoveRow) aras\u0131nda bo\u015f sat\u0131rd\u0131r. ; Birden fazla bo\u015f sat\u0131r varsa, d\u00f6ng\u00fc d\u00f6ng\u00fcs\u00fc ile kald\u0131r\u0131labilir. Kod uygulamas\u0131 burada a\u00e7\u0131klanmam\u0131\u015ft\u0131r. 2 NC kodu denetimi, i\u015flem veri hatas\u0131 i\u015flevi NC kodu denetimleri i\u00e7in, NC kodu s\u00f6zdizimi kurallar\u0131na ek olarak, i\u015flem zamanlamas\u0131n\u0131n makul olup olmad\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131 g\u00f6z \u00f6n\u00fcnde bulundurmak daha \u00f6nemlidir. Bu makalede, \u00e7\u00f6z\u00fcm\u00fc analiz etmek ve ilgili kodu g\u00f6stermek i\u00e7in a\u015fa\u011f\u0131daki \u00fc\u00e7 \u00f6rnek kullan\u0131lmaktad\u0131r. 2. 1 G00 komutu i\u015f par\u00e7alar\u0131n\u0131n kesilmesini yasaklar CNC tornalama i\u015flemleri i\u00e7in G00 h\u0131zl\u0131 nokta konumland\u0131rma komutudur. Bu komut alt\u0131nda, tak\u0131m CNC sistemindeki \u00f6nceden ayarlanm\u0131\u015f makine parametre de\u011ferlerine g\u00f6re h\u0131zl\u0131 bir \u015fekilde koordinat ekseni boyunca hareket eder. Ger\u00e7ek i\u015flemede, operat\u00f6r kesme i\u015flemi s\u0131ras\u0131nda dikkatsizlik veya belirsizlik nedeniyle G00 komutunu kullan\u0131rsa, makine arac\u0131 hatay\u0131 bildirmez, ancak komutu do\u011frudan y\u00fcr\u00fct\u00fcr. Bu ka\u00e7\u0131n\u0131lmaz olarak bir \u00e7arp\u0131\u015fma kazas\u0131na neden olacak ve i\u015f par\u00e7as\u0131n\u0131 ve aleti yok edecektir. Sim\u00fclasyon sistemi sorunu NC program\u0131nda anlamsal analiz eksikli\u011fine ba\u011flad\u0131. Sim\u00fclasyon i\u015flemesi s\u0131ras\u0131nda, tak\u0131m G00 komutunun alt\u0131ndaki i\u015f par\u00e7as\u0131n\u0131n \u00e7evresel y\u00fczeyine hareket ederse, sistem alarm bilgisi verir. Aray\u00fcz \u015eekil 1'de g\u00f6sterilmi\u015ftir. \u015eekil 1 Alarm Bilgi Aray\u00fcz\u00fc Bilgiler programlay\u0131c\u0131ya kesme talimat\u0131n\u0131n programa yanl\u0131\u015f uyguland\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131 bildirir. Ger\u00e7ek i\u015flemede, tak\u0131m ile i\u015f par\u00e7as\u0131 aras\u0131nda bir \u00e7arp\u0131\u015fma meydana gelecektir. Sim\u00fclasyon sistemine bu i\u015flevi ekleyerek, yeni ba\u015flayan \u00f6\u011frencilerin iyi programlama al\u0131\u015fkanl\u0131klar\u0131n\u0131 \u00f6nemli \u00f6l\u00e7\u00fcde te\u015fvik edecektir, b\u00f6ylece ger\u00e7ek programlamada hatay\u0131 al\u0131\u015f\u0131lm\u0131\u015f olarak \u00f6nleyebilirsiniz. Bu i\u015flevi ger\u00e7ekle\u015ftirmek i\u00e7in sistem, tak\u0131m konumunun koordinatlar\u0131n\u0131 an\u0131nda depolamak i\u00e7in NowData () \u00e7ift duyarl\u0131kl\u0131 grubu tan\u0131mlar. Bunlar aras\u0131nda NowData (1) mevcut tornalama tak\u0131m\u0131n\u0131n z koordinat de\u011ferini, NowData (2) mevcut tornalama tak\u0131m\u0131n\u0131n koordinat de\u011ferini x saklar. Sistem, bo\u015flu\u011fun uzunlu\u011funun s\u0131n\u0131rl\u0131 bir ekran aray\u00fcz\u00fcnde g\u00f6r\u00fcnt\u00fclenip g\u00f6r\u00fcnt\u00fclenemeyece\u011fini d\u00fc\u015f\u00fcnecek \u015fekilde tasarland\u0131\u011f\u0131ndan, bo\u015f boyut parametresini burada bl olarak ayarlay\u0131n. \u015eu anda, NowData () i\u00e7indeki koordinat de\u011feri sim\u00fclasyon aray\u00fcz\u00fcndeki bl parametresi ile \u00e7arp\u0131l\u0131r. Burada, i\u015f par\u00e7as\u0131 koordinat sisteminin k\u00f6keni, i\u015f par\u00e7as\u0131n\u0131n ve eksenin sa\u011f u\u00e7 y\u00fczeyinin kesi\u015fme noktas\u0131nda ayarlan\u0131r, daha sonra program\u0131n k\u00f6keni belirlenir. Bu nedenle, mevcut aletin G00 komutu alt\u0131nda kesme hareketine sahip olup olmad\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131 de\u011ferlendirmek i\u00e7in, yaln\u0131zca iki ko\u015ful belirlemeniz gerekir: 1) Tak\u0131m koordinat\u0131n\u0131n z negatif olup olmad\u0131\u011f\u0131. 2) Aletin koordinat de\u011ferinin x i\u015f par\u00e7as\u0131 bo\u015flu\u011funun yar\u0131\u00e7ap\u0131ndan k\u00fc\u00e7\u00fck olup olmad\u0131\u011f\u0131, yani NowData (1) 'in 0'dan k\u00fc\u00e7\u00fck olup olmad\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131 ve NowData (2)' nin i\u015f par\u00e7as\u0131 yar\u0131\u00e7ap\u0131ndan k\u00fc\u00e7\u00fck olup olmad\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131 belirleyin. NowData (2) 'nin x de\u011feri, bl ile \u00e7arp\u0131lan ger\u00e7ek de\u011fer oldu\u011fundan, giri\u015f bo\u015f \u00e7ap\u0131n\u0131n de\u011feri, e\u015fitsizlik simgesinin sa\u011f taraf\u0131ndaki bl ile \u00e7arp\u0131l\u0131r, b\u00f6ylece bir e\u015fitsizlik saptamas\u0131 ge\u00e7erli olur, matematiksel bir ifade olarak ifade edilir bu z <0 ve x <workpiece. Blank diameter \u00d7 bl \/2. If the system determines that a collision occurs during operation, an alarm will be given and the program will be reprogrammed. The following is the code to implement this feature:If g00 = True ThenIf NowData( 1) \uff1c 0 And NowData( 2) \uff1c Form2\uff0e Text1\uff0e Text*bl \/ 2 Thenmianban\uff0e \uff32ichTextBox2\uff0e SelColor = vb\uff32edmianban\uff0e \uff32ichTextBox2\uff0e SelText = mianban\uff0e \uff32ichTextBox2\uff0eSelText \uff06\u201d \u2018G00\u2019\u547d\u4ee4\u4e0b\u7981\u6b62\u5207\u524a\u5de5\u4ef6\uff0c\u8bf7\u91cd\u65b0\u7f16\u5199\u7a0b\u5e8f\uff0c\u518d\u6b21\u8fd0\u884c! \u201cPlaySound \u201d warn\uff0e wav\u201dmianban\uff0e temg\uff0e Text = \u201d \uff0d \uff0d ALM \uff0d \uff0d \u201d : mianban\uff0e temg\uff0eVisible = TrueTimer5\uff0e Enabled = TrueTimer16\uff0e Enabled = FalseAlm( 116) = True2. 2. 2 cutting parameter out of range alarmThe reasonable setting of cutting parameters directly affects the machining quality of parts. In actual production and processing, due to carelessness or unfamiliarity with the cutting parameters, the setting of the feed amount per revolution of the turning tool may cause problems. The amount of tool feed depends on the surface roughness and the cutting force. When rough-cutting, the surface roughness is not high, and the feed is mainly caused by the knife.The precision and strength of rods, blades, workpieces and machine tools are determined by the cutting forces. When semi-finishing and fine-cutting, the economics of cutting are mainly considered. That is to say, the cutting load cannot exceed the power of the machine tool while ensuring the economic life of the tool. Therefore, the tool feed amount cannot be too large or too small. If an oversight or error occurs during programming, an error will be indicated in the code detection of the simulation system. The simulation system provides that the spindle feedrate of one revolution must not be less than 0. 05mm or greater than 0. 5mm (The amount of cutting is closely related to the workpiece material and the tool type and material. The value range of this feed amount is in most cases. For other individual cases, it can be determined by referring to the manual or cutting test).A line of NC code is read in the FileDebugger of the system code. If the feed \u201cF\u201d is found from this line of code by the Mid function, then the custom GetNumber function is used to convert the number immediately followed by F to a single-precision floating-point number. 0. 05 and 0. 5 if less than 0. 05mm or greater than 0. 5mm, then the alarm prompts, its interface is shown in Figure 2.Fig. 2 Feed range out of range alarm prompt interface2. 2. 3 tool instruction alarm errorIn CNC turning, the tool command T is used to select the tool and its corresponding tool compensation. Example: T0202 represents the No. 2 knife and the No. 2 knife make-up. Therefore, it is agreed in this paper that the tool number and its tool complement number are the same value, which is not easy to confuse. If the tool number and the tool compensation number do not match in the NC program or one of them is default, the coordinate system will be disordered and the machining code will not be executed correctly. The system stores 3 commonly used tools: T0101 for 93\u00b0 roughing tool; T0202 for cutting tool; T0303 for fine turning tool. If \u201cT\u201d appears in a row and the following number is not the above number, the system will indicate which row of tool number T is illegal. code show as below:If TExist = True Then Call ErrCase( 3\uff0cFile\uff32ow\uff0cCaseType)TExist = TrueNumberString = GetNumber ( \uff32ight ( TextLine\uff0cLen ( TextLine ) \uff0dNumberStart) )If NumberString = \u201d \u201d ThenCall ErrCase( 1\uff0cFile\uff32ow\uff0cCaseType)ElseNumberStart = NumberStart + Len( NumberString)CaseNumber = CDbl( NumberString)If CaseNumber = 101 Or CaseNumber = 202 Or CaseNumber = 303Or CaseNumber = 404 Then \u2018\u5200\u5177\u7f16\u53f7ElseCall ErrCase( 9\uff0cFile\uff32ow\uff0cCaseType) \u2018 \u6b64\u5904\u8c03\u7528 ErrCase \u51fd\u6570\u663e\u793a\u9519\u8bef\u4fe1\u606fEnd IfEnd If3 system learning functionThis simulation system is used as a teaching aid for engineering training. Students can use this software to conduct self-study, develop good programming styles and operating habits as starting points, and conduct detailed studies on module settings, selection of interaction methods, and logic arrangement of actions.3. 1 Simulation System InterfaceIn order to enable the trainees to quickly get acquainted with the actual machine tool, the software simulates the real machine tool as much as possible in the interface design. The simulation system interface is shown in Figure3.3. 2 Operation Panel Button Function TipsFor trainees who have not touched the N091 CNC lathe or the software, there are dozens of knobs and buttons on the control panel. The system uses the ToolTipText property in the Command control that comes with the VB platform, and the corresponding knob or The name of the button is filled in the operation panel. When the mouse is moved to the corresponding position, the system will give a text prompt. The interactive function is good, which is very helpful for students self-study. The function prompt interface of the machine tool operation panel is shown in Figure 4.Figure 3 Simulation System InterfaceFig. 4 Tool operation panel button function prompt interface3. 3 lathe operation sequence trainingAfter investigating the commercialized CNC simulation software on the market, the author found that most of the software does not strictly regulate the operation sequence of the machine tool. If the trainee has not touched the CNC lathe, the complex operation interface will be at a loss and I do not know where to go. If you start, you will soon lose interest in learning. In view of this, the simulation system uses VB to solve the above problem with the visible property of the Command control, and the order is limited by the selection of the property false\/true visible to this control in the Command_Click( ) function. If the operation sequence is wrong, it triggers. MsgBox, prompt error information, operation sequence warning interface as shown in Figure 5.Figure 5 Operation Sequence Warning InterfaceFigure 6 Interpolation Principle Learning Module Interface3. 4 interpolation principle learning moduleLinear interpolation and arc interpolation are the most basic tool path generation methods for CNC lathes. The above two types of interpolation in the N091 CNC lathe are implemented using a point-by-point comparison method. The simulation system embeds an interpolation learning module, and students can select the circumcircle, inverse circle, and linear interpolation in the interpolation learning window, and give the starting and ending coordinates accordingly to generate a circle or a straight line. Realize the consolidation of classroom knowledge teaching. The interpolation principle learning module interface is shown in Figure 6.4 ConclusionThis software is aimed at the training and teaching of CNC lathe engineering. It aims at cultivating engineering practices and focuses on the development of self-learning functions. Students participating in the CNC lathe engineering training can use the computer at any time to carry out simulations of CNC lathe machining procedures, lathe operation methods, and learning of related CNC knowledge. While significantly improving the training effect, it effectively ensures the safety of equipment and trainees. It actually solves the problem of excessive man-machine ratio caused by a large number of students and limited training equipment in the school\u2019s CNC lathe engineering training, and improves the operation practice. The efficiency reaches the goal of the students to better learn the CNC machining process.
\nKaynak: Meeyou Carbide<\/p>\n<\/div>\n
Abstract: Aiming at practical training and learning\uff0cthe NC lathe simulation system is designed on VB 6\uff0e 0\uff0e The system\uff0cwhich simulates the Fanuc-0i Mate TB NC operating system equipped by N091 NC lathe\uff0crealizes functions such as\uff0cwriting NC code\uff0c checking code errors\uff0cwarning on improper process properties\uff0csimulation of processing and operation training on PC\uff0e The trainers could easily…<\/p>","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":1533,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_jetpack_memberships_contains_paid_content":false,"footnotes":""},"categories":[92],"tags":[],"class_list":["post-1532","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-cutting-tools-weekly"],"jetpack_featured_media_url":"","jetpack_sharing_enabled":true,"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.meetyoucarbide.com\/tr\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/1532","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.meetyoucarbide.com\/tr\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.meetyoucarbide.com\/tr\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.meetyoucarbide.com\/tr\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.meetyoucarbide.com\/tr\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=1532"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/www.meetyoucarbide.com\/tr\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/1532\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.meetyoucarbide.com\/tr\/wp-json\/"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.meetyoucarbide.com\/tr\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=1532"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.meetyoucarbide.com\/tr\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=1532"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.meetyoucarbide.com\/tr\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=1532"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}